Describe how the training will be conducted, what unique tools you would like to share. Outline several stages of training or examples of useful information that the customer will receive from you in the course of a learning process. Example:
Stage 1: Introduce a user to [highlights of your topic]
Stage 2: Introduce a user to [Useful points in your topic]
Stage 3: Introduce a user to [unique moments of you project, interesting cases]
Describe how the training will be conducted, what unique tools you would like to share. Outline several stages of training or examples of useful information that the customer will receive from you in the course of a learning process.
Understanding the topic of your course
Thematic content of your course that attracts potential customers
Who is this course for [course name] will it be particularly beneficial for in the first place?
Для Ecommerce — это могут быть покупки, отложенные товары, брошенные корзины и т. д. Этот вид письма можно использовать для увеличения среднего чека, допродажи, напоминания о так называемой «брошенной корзине». Кроме того, это один из самых простых способов улучшения узнаваемости бренда компании и лояльности покупателю к нему. Узнаваемость бренда может достигаться путём внедрения в шаблон транзакционного письма фирменных элементов компании: логотипа, фирменных цветов и элементов. Лояльность покупателя может вызвать наличие в таком письме полезной и важной информации для него при покупке: условия доставки, гарантии (на товар, на возврат денег и т. д.)
«Lorem Ipsum is the standard "fish" for Latin texts from the beginning of the 16th century. At that time some nameless typographer has created a large collection of font sizes and shapes. »
Why this specific course [course name] will be beneficial?
Цена 500 Руб
«Lorem Ipsum is the standard "fish" for Latin texts from the beginning of the 16th century. At that time some nameless typographer has created a large collection of font sizes and shapes. »
Thematic content of your course that attracts potential customers
What's new about this course??
«Lorem Ipsum is the standard "fish" for Latin texts from the beginning of the 16th century. At that time some nameless typographer has created a large collection of font sizes and shapes. »